Important KPIs for Business Cybersecurity

It’s 2019, and almost everyone is online these days. But many people still forget about the importance of cybersecurity. This goes for both business organizations and individuals. Even though many companies are making steps towards securing their online and IT assets, they still have a long way to go. A lot of companies simply don’t […]
Password Protection Tips for Small Businesses

We often see headlines and breaking news about cybercrime hitting big companies in devastating ways. For most small businesses this is not a concern, as they think that there are no similar threats to their organizations. Even though this might be somewhat true, it’s not 100% certain. Of course, oftentimes, advanced level hackers aren’t going […]
Establishing Successful Software Training Procedures

Investing in a brand-new software solution will pay off only if you train your staff to use it without any loss in time, money, and productivity. And with today’s L&D professionals being so committed to developing more effective training policies, the only thing you need to do is research and implement. Here are a few […]
Digital Security Camera Footage Storage Procedures

The type of digital security camera you’ll use depends on whether you need it for your home or your business, just as well as the size of your home and the type of business you are running. Whatever solution you choose, you’ll have to establish the best procedures for managing and storing your camera footage. […]
What We Do: A Day in the Life of An IT Consultant

IT consultants are often tied to a single location where they manage all their daily activities. Besides being skilled in both old and modern IT infrastructure solutions, an IT consultant has to keep up with the latest solutions and best practices across many industries. Most importantly, IT consultants have to possess excellent multitasking and communication […]
Common IT Challenges in the Restaurant Industry

Modern customers are expecting to see modern solutions in the establishments they visit on a daily basis. This forces restaurants to embrace the software and hardware solutions designed to streamline their workflow and enhance the customer experience. But in order to deliver a personalized guest experience and make clients happy with on-demand services, restaurants will […]
How to Secure Great IT Staff

Many seasoned recruiters and HR professionals are facing the same challenges and difficulties when it comes to securing great tech talent. They lack the effective means of first finding the necessary staff and then approaching them in order to recruit them. Here, we’ll shed some light on how to effectively secure great tech staff with […]
3 Computer Hacking Myths To Be Aware Of

To the everyday businessman, computer hacking seems extraordinary and amazing. We’ve seen endless Hollywood movies that show us how unique the circumstances behind hacking are, and we tend to believe that. But just as you don’t believe that every car just has to explode right after a small fender bender, you shouldn’t believe any other […]
Why Your Business Should Switch to the Hybrid Cloud

Cloud services are growing in popularity, but many people are still unsure about the safety of using public cloud services for their sensitive data, while they refrain from using private clouds due to their high cost. This is where the hybrid cloud comes into play. It can give you the best of both worlds and […]
4 Ways to Ramp Up Your Cybersecurity in 2019

In the past couple of years, cybercrimes have made headlines around the world. You might be thinking that only large enterprises and famous celebrities fall victims to cyber-attacks and that you have nothing to worry about, but this is a dangerous misconception. Hackers can steal data from your computers and smart devices, wherever you are. […]