3 Computer Hacking Myths To Be Aware Of

To the everyday businessman, computer hacking seems extraordinary and amazing. We’ve seen endless Hollywood movies that show us how unique the circumstances behind hacking are, and we tend to believe that. But just as you don’t believe that every car just has to explode right after a small fender bender, you shouldn’t believe any other […]
Why Your Business Should Switch to the Hybrid Cloud

Cloud services are growing in popularity, but many people are still unsure about the safety of using public cloud services for their sensitive data, while they refrain from using private clouds due to their high cost. This is where the hybrid cloud comes into play. It can give you the best of both worlds and […]
4 Ways to Ramp Up Your Cybersecurity in 2019

In the past couple of years, cybercrimes have made headlines around the world. You might be thinking that only large enterprises and famous celebrities fall victims to cyber-attacks and that you have nothing to worry about, but this is a dangerous misconception. Hackers can steal data from your computers and smart devices, wherever you are. […]